6 Tips To Help Keep Baby's Socks On
How many times have you seen babies in baby carriers swing their feet and all of sudden one of their sock comes flying out without their parents noticing. It's also pretty common for babies to remove their socks (or nappies, bibs, or hats, for that matter!) but, despite it being perfectly natural, it can be frustrating for parents who just want their tots to have warm, clean feet!
When they're born, we can't help but obsess over things like their tiny toenails and fingernails. We count their toes and fingers and take in their unmistakable baby scent. But as children grow, they begin to explore things around them. In the first year, this involves them reaching out and learning more about the world around them.
When they are young, it is critical to maintain a nice, warm temperature for your little one since babies are not yet able to regulate their body temperature, and their little bodies lose heat almost four times faster than adults.
If you're finding that your little bundle of joy is frequently losing their socks, and are tire of “operation missing sock”, here are some tips to help you keep babies’ socks on.
Start Smart
While there are a few tricks that can help you keep your baby's socks on, it's important to start with the basics.
Make Sure They Are The Right Size
As expectant parents, sometimes we overstock our baby's wardrobe with a ton of socks and accessories in anticipation of dressing them up after they're born. However, resist the urge to stock up on a huge collection of newborn socks. In the first six months, it is reported that a baby's feet will grow around four sizes and, in the first year, it will become almost half of its adult full length so you will need to evaluate their socks frequently to make sure they're not outgrowing them.
For infants, they may be losing their socks just from friction with the sheets or blankies they're laying with, especially if the socks are too large. The right size will help to prevent the socks from coming off as they sleep. It is important, however, that the socks not be too tight, as this can not only be uncomfortable for baby, but can create what's called sock-line hyperpigmentation: raised bands at the sock line that can result in permanent scarring.
Look At Quality
Just as with adult socks, different qualities feel different on our feet. For babies, having socks that are designed with quality materials will not only help them stay on, but will last longer as well as feel more comfortable to your baby.
Quality socks with cuffs, toes, and heels that are designed to stay on, are more likely to stay on your baby's feet. Non-skidding soles will also help baby get around safely when they start exploring!
For newborns or babies younger than 12 months, remember that quality fabric - preferably something organic and soft - will feel much more comfortable and they will be less likely to want to take them off. For toddlers who are exploring and walking, more durable socks with a non-slip sole are ideal.
Please refer to our 3 important factors for buying baby socks to learn more about socks quality. It will help you find baby socks that stay on!
Tricks For Parents To Keep Baby's Socks On
Even with the right size of quality socks, some babies will continue to lose their socks. Here are some tricks to try to minimize this happening.
- The "Pants-Over"
Most baby pants are made of stretchy material, allowing the legs to slide over the cuff of the socks. This can help hold them in place, even while baby is moving around. Leggings work to not only hold the socks on, but allow your baby to move around comfortably and stay warm.
- Footies/Footed Pants
An alternative to socks, footies (or "one-piece with feet") are one-piece articles of clothing that have the feet in them already. If it is particularly cold, you can actually put socks on your baby under the footies and they won't come off. Alternatively, you can also get footed pants which help in the same way.
- Gowns
Gowns or sleep sacks that gather at the bottom will help keep your baby's feet warm as well as protect their socks from coming off.
- Shoes/Booties
There are many options for baby shoes that will keep your baby's socks on. Once they are wearing shoes, it will be difficult for them to pull their socks off. You can also get booties that tie securely enough or ones with velcro, that your baby cannot remove. Just be sure the shoes/booties are not too tight.
- Sock-Staying Products
There are a variety of products available that are intended to help prevent babies from removing their socks.
- Distraction
As babies grow, they begin to explore new things. As very small infants, a baby's vision is just developing and it's not until around five or six months that they begin to increase their eye-hand coordination. If you find your baby is grabbing at their socks frequently, it could just be boredom that is easily resolved by providing a favorite toy or, even better, spending time bonding with them to distract them from their feet.
Remember It's A Phase
The main objective of having socks is to keep your baby warm so if it becomes something you simply can't get under control, and your little bundle of joy is determined to get their socks off, you can ensure they stay warm by keeping the air temperature high enough that they don't get too cold.
As a parent, you will learn many things from your child, and they, from you. One thing to remember is that your baby will continue to grow and develop and the sock-removing phase is just one of many natural parts of growing up. According to experts, babies from four to six months begin to reach out and grab their toes and feet when laying on their backs.
And, just as with pretty much anything at this age, they'll even be likely to stick their newly-discovered toes straight into their mouths. Be sure to remember that your baby is doing these things as a natural part of growing up and getting to know themselves, their environment, and how to navigate the world.
Imagine the excitement of discovering new things every day! As your baby discovers their toes, they are simply reaching just one milestone towards them learning to walk and explore on their own.