Babysoy x Jane Goodall (Janey Baby)

The Janey Baby Story

Being a responsible company is about more than just providing high-quality products or services and valuable customer experiences. For Babysoy, it’s also about the effort of maintaining this beautiful planet and decreasing our footprints over the ecosystem.

After researching and learning about many of the world’s incredible initiatives, Babysoy opted to promote and support the Jane Goodall Institute: an organization originally formed by Dr. Jane Goodall in 1977 to continue the renowned primatologist’s chimpanzee research and expand efforts to protect chimpanzees, as well as educate others about environmental conservation.

Since the 1960s, Dr. Goodall’s work has changed the way people understand chimpanzees and other primates. She was the first researcher to discover how closely related humans are to chimpanzees and to prove, further, that animals have thoughts and feelings.

Since then, Dr. Goodall has educated people and promoted conservation for countless communities across the globe, and her efforts have grown to include preserving the natural habitats of wildlife in countries all over the world, which are under severe threat resulting from deforestation and depletion of natural resources. These threats extend beyond animals by endangering our ecosystem and the delicate balance of nature for all living things.

It is Dr. Goodall’s belief that even one person can make a difference and here, at Babysoy, we choose to help by allowing our customers to be one of those people who contribute to those magnificent differences.

The Janey Baby Concept

Since the beginning, Babysoy has sought to provide quality baby products for parents, but in a conscientious way that allows us to contribute to improving the way resources are used. As we promoted the concept of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” with our products from the start, we were delighted that the Jane Goodall Institute contacted us with an idea to help raise funds for their efforts.

Since the Jane Goodall Institute is committed to preserving and sustaining our natural resources and habitats, the connection was clear. Babysoy’s use of Azlon - a sustainable, natural fiber from the renewable resource of soybean pulp - combined with our own passion for quality, safe, and fairly-manufactured products, was completely in alignment with the goals of the Jane Goodall Institute.

Developing Janey Baby Products

Janey Bunny

The next step was to develop a product that would honor all of our goals and thankfully, we had some creative ideas to work with.

In her book, Hope For Animals and Their World, Jane Goodall explores the survival stories of many endangered species whose habitats are being destroyed. In collaboration with the Jane Goodall Institute, Babysoy decided to honor these endangered animals - and their diminishing habitats - with a special line of products.

From onesies to gowns, it became apparent that offering a product line that gave parents both the quality of garments they want along with the opportunity to support important efforts to help conserve our environment, was the direction we wanted to move in.

Enter Patrick McDonnell

Award-winning cartoonist and fierce animal-advocate Patrick McDonnell has always admired the work of Jane Goodall and even wrote a biography of the doctor, appropriately written for young readers.

With collaboration, cooperation, and communication, the four components of animal advocacy, artwork, conservation, and eco-friendly, sustainable products came together in the Janey Baby Collection.

Patrick McDonnell created his own delightful drawings of the animals covered in Dr. Goodall’s book, and donated them to various companies who have also collaborated with the Jane Goodall Institute.

The Janey Baby collection includes a line of specialty baby clothing (exclusively through Babysoy) with his drawings printed with safe, beautiful water-based ink.

The Difference It Makes

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.”

Jane Goodall

Babysoy donates eight percent of all sales from the Janey Baby Collection - to the Jane Goodall Institute in an effort to “be the change we wish to see.” We continue to donate to this worthy institution and are thrilled to share that, so far, Babysoy has contributed more than $100,000 through this partnership, with the help of our valuable customers. We are excited to be a part of the changes they are making all over the world and will continue to honor their efforts with every Janey Baby purchase.

One day, our young ones will grow up and become an adult part of the world we share today. As parents, we are proud of our efforts to preserve it and grateful to the Jane Goodall Institute for allowing us to go beyond our own mission, to help support theirs, so that we may do our part to improve the environment for future generations.

We invite you to join us in our goal of making a true difference in our world, and in the future world of our children, and theirs to come.

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